
Sniff This Out!


Photo courtesy of Sarah at Sniffy Wiffy

I went to a Bloggers Event on Tuesday and was lucky enough to get to meet Sarah who runs the Cambridge based family business 'Sniffy Wiffy' - I was given a sample of beautiful hand cream and have spent the day perusing their gorgeous site - so many beautiful products available I just had to share them with you guys! 

Photo courtesy of Sarah at Sniffy Wiffy
The sample I received was 'Hibiscus and Rhubarb' and I can't even explain how divine it is, it's super long lasting and hydrating and it's such a unique and different flavour to have I just love it! (My plans to buy the big pot are well on their way!) 

The really wonderful thing about Sniffy Wiffy is not only do they have a huge list of amazing scents, all of their body lotions and body scrubs come with a Breast Check Label so women are reminded and instructed to carry out regular breast checks on themselves - it's an amazing idea and really beneficial. For every lotion or scrub bought a certain amount of money is given to the charity Coppafeel who are a breast cancer charity.

Photo courtesy of Sarah at Sniffy Wiffy
 The same applies to the male grooming products which come in four amazing different flavours - Guinness, Sandalwood, Cologne and Cedarwood & Blackpepper - a testicle selfcheck label is on each tub of body lotion or scrub and money is donated to the charity Ballboys.

Sniffy Wiffy have an amazing range of products including body lotions, body scrubs, bath and massage oils, hand creams and male grooming products with their own scents and packaging. They're are simply too many scents to list (you'll just have to check them out for yourself!) but some of the ones I'm particularly eager to try are ... Honeyed Fig and Saffron, Aloe and Cucumber, Gingerbread, Japanese Plum and Blackcurrant and Nettle. Such interesting and exotic flavours I know my bathroom will be brimming with these beauties soon!

Photo courtesy of Sarah at Sniffy Wiffy

Sniffy Wiffy also offer personalised Wedding Favours which I think is incredibly cute, I am mentioning them here because my parents are getting married in April and since meeting Sniffy Wiffy for the first time on Tuesday she has already placed her order for her wedding favours she loved the Hibiscus and Rhubarb so much - if that's not proof of how great these are then I just don't know what is! 

You can find Sniffy Wiffy on Twitter, Facebook and over at their website

If you order anything from them let me know which flavour you went for as I really want to find out other peoples opinion on this stuff! 

1 comment:

  1. Such cute packaging! I've nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award over on my blog :) Rebecca | xx


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