
My Take on The Slutty Brownie



I have always loved baking, I love finding new recipes so today I decided to try the infamous 'Slutty Brownie' - original recipe can be found on The Londoner but I decided to put a little nutty twist on mine. These might just be the best brownies ever, just maybe!
Check out the recipe below!

Ingredients needed for Slutty Nutty Brownies - 

  • Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix
  • Betty Crocker Chocolate Fudge Brownie Mix
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 Packs of Oreos
  • 2 Bars of Dairy Milk Fruit and Nut
  • Vegetable Oil (9 tbsps)
p.s - It was discovered during the process of Slutty Nutty creating that you do, in fact, only need one bar of Fruit & Nut ... but you all know what leftovers mean!

You can of course make your own cookie and brownie mix, just by using any recipe from Mary Berry (she's my fave) - if it was for a special occasion I might consider the extra effort but the Betty Crocker pre-mixed are so handy and quick that there hardly seems much point! 

Before you start unboxing your goodies and getting started remember to preheat your oven to gas mark 4 and line a brownie tin with baking paper. 

Tip - when lining your brownie tin make sure to leave the baking paper hanging over the edge slightly so it's super easy to remove the Brownie from the tin when it's baked. 

Follow the recipe on the back of the cookie mix box - I found I needed quite a bit more liquid to make the mixture moist enough to spread in the tin and just gooey enough so be a bit liberal with the measurements - as long as it isn't swimming then you're good!

When you've got a big squidge of cookie dough like this ^ then you're good to go onto the next step! 

Grab your brownie tin lined with the baking paper and smush your cookie mix into the tin so it is as even as you can get it and squishes into all the corners for a nice even bake (Bake Off anyone?) 

This is where the Oreos come in - I put mine in nice symettrical lines that Monica Gellar would be proud of, but you can mess around and do whatever you like with them ... double thick row? Broken up Oreos? Definitely some ideas for next time. I used one a bit packets on this one - more leftovers anyone?

Next onto the Brownie mix - again, I needed quite a bit more liquid than what is recommended but I just went with it and kept adding little by little until it was as smooth and runny as I wanted it. 

Next up - spoon your Brownie mix over your Oreos making sure to smush it around so that it evenly covers them all. 

Side note - anything left in the bowl MUST be licked... thems the Slutty Nutty rules folks!

So here you have your rather unassuming looking bake - one more step to go though! 

(Mine looks a little bit lumpy, I don't know why, but they came out just fine!)

Break your bar of Fruit & Nut into individual squares and start pushing them into the Brownie mix. I wanted it so that the Brownie cooked and rose between the squares and encased them in the cake. Mmmm YUM. Like I said, only one bar needed but I have one in the cupboard now for next time. 

Into the oven for 40 mins at gas mark 4.

Ta-daaaaaaaa! Here you have your Slutty Nutty in all it's full fat chocolately glory! 
Remove from the tin using the baking paper flaps at the side and place on a baking tray. 

I cut mine into squares while it was still warm because I thought it was easier than waiting until it had completely cooled. Then, once cut, leave to completely cool. 

Also, you absolutely do not have to leave to cool ... serve them warm with big scoops of vanilla ice cream for a completely irresistible treat!

Once your brownie is completely cooled cut it into small squares (or big squares, whatever takes your fancy!) 

Then share your Slutty Nutty creations with everyone you know - here is my sister looking particularly pleased with my Saturday baking production! 

Share your photos with me if you make the Slutty Nutty Brownies at all! 


  1. wow this looks insane! probably would be dangerous for me to have around haha

    xx danielle // shades of danielle // bloglovin

    1. Yeah definitely! I had to give loads away so they weren't sitting around tempting me! xx

  2. These look soooooo good, and really easy to make! I'm going to have to try them!

  3. Why would you show me how to make one of these!
    It's so simple your basically FORCING me to do it.

    1. Dude I swear it'll be the best decision of your life so far! Let's have them for creative fuel next meeting!


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