
Most Loved in February | 2015


I can't believe it's been another month and February is almost over! 2015 is speeding past! I have been loving loads this month, particularly beauty products - take a look at what my February Favourites are below ... 

Cats The Musical


Photo from
Rumpelteazer, Grizabella, Mungojerrie, Skimbleshanks, Mr Mistofolees, Macavity, Jennyanydots, Tantomile, Bombalurina, Alonzo, Bustopher Jones, Carbucketty, Coricopat ... Hardly your every day tom cat names, but these are just a few of the characters gracing the Palladium stage in the west end revival of 'Cats' !

Sniff This Out!


Photo courtesy of Sarah at Sniffy Wiffy

I went to a Bloggers Event on Tuesday and was lucky enough to get to meet Sarah who runs the Cambridge based family business 'Sniffy Wiffy' - I was given a sample of beautiful hand cream and have spent the day perusing their gorgeous site - so many beautiful products available I just had to share them with you guys! 

French Manicure at MatchNails Brighton


I don't know how you guys spent your Valentines Day but I spent mine having the most beautiful french manicure at MatchNails in Brighton. 

Mini Topshop Beauty Haul


I have recently been on a huge 'Topshop Beauty' high - I love everything of theirs and since I had a Topshop voucher for Christmas I went and stocked up on some new nail varnishes and a really nice lipstick.

Braid Up!


I have always been so envious of people who can do cool braids in their hair, so I decided that this year I would start experimenting more and learning more styles. This has been the weekend of the braid!

Dear Diary ...


I have been a sporadic diary writer since I was about eleven years old. I would always start a new notebook or a new year with big plans of writing a diary entry every day and including photos and anecdotes and memories and in my head it was going to be this amazing venture.

Oh Hey There, Pink Hair!


Unfiltered image

So if you follow me on Twitter or Instagram then you'll probably have seen that yesterday I took the plunge and had a big hair change and went to pinky/purple ombre. 

Get Your MoodyPants On!


All photos in this post taken by Manon Pauffin for publicity of 'Moody Pants' 

Have you ever seen moodier pants? ...

'Moody Pants' are a new range of eco-friendly, antibacterial and organic pants designed by Brighton based Ange Watson. Pants to suit your mood! 

What's in my bag?


I saw someone do one of these on YouTube the other day and it made me think about what was in my own bag! - a lot of receipts is actually the most accurate answer, but I thought I'd give you nosey loves a sneak peek inside to see what I carry around with me on a day-to-day basis! 

Blogging Books


I love a good bout of stationary, it gets a little out of hand sometimes so I tend to not ever get started on ordering. However, when I happened upon Sighh Designs I couldn't help myself. It took a huge amount of self restraint not to order everything that Polly has on her online shop! 

Matte-nificent Nails


I finally went to Topshop and bought a few colours from their beautiful 'Matte Nails' range. It was a long, hard process deciding which colours to go for. I opted for a metallic 'Bubbles', a pastel pink 'Heartbreaker' and a purpley blue 'Hanky Panky' that is just gorgeous. 

My Take on The Slutty Brownie



I have always loved baking, I love finding new recipes so today I decided to try the infamous 'Slutty Brownie' - original recipe can be found on The Londoner but I decided to put a little nutty twist on mine. These might just be the best brownies ever, just maybe!
Check out the recipe below!

Introducing 'Come on, Let's Go'



Sometimes I'll find or happen upon a project and instantly I'm interested and want to know more, this happened a few days ago with 'Come on, Let's Go' which is a new web series co written and created by A.M Hill and Adrienne Marie from California. 'Come on, Let's Go' is a new LGBT drama, they're in the process of casting at the moment and are hoping to shoot their trailer very soon...I wanted to get to know them and their project a bit better so I contacted them with some questions to help me and you guys understand what 'Come on, Let's Go' is all about and where they see it heading in the future! 

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