
It's Nearly Time for Christmas Things!


Hello, happy FRIDAY! 

So I was at a bit of a loss as to what to post today, I was going to do a review but I hadn't had the time to plan one so I will put that up tomorrow and today is just a fun little post about the upcoming Christmassy time that is fast approaching! Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year and this year will be even better because my new job means I get 2 weeks off for Christmas and for the past few years I've had about 3 days off max ... so much more time to enjoy things this year! This post is just a few of my most favourite things about Christmas time ... 

Christmas Treats

I love Christmas baking bits, I think they're always SO cute and just lovely. I wish I was better at baking because I'm always way too ambitious but I'm actually going to do a Christmas treats video or blog post this year, so we'll see how they all turn out! I like really cute gingerbread men the best and mince pies, of course. 

Christmas Films

Christmas films are my favourite films ever, I don't even just watch them at Christmas, it's highly possible I watched The Holiday in the middle of August .. no I definitely did. I just love the way Christmas films make me feel, they're so warm and cuddly and I love the fact that Die Hard technically counts as a Christmas film - see, something for everyone!
My top five Christmas films are : 
  1. The Holiday 
  2. Santa Claus: The Movie 
  3. Elf 
  4. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation
  5. Home Alone 
Oh and there are SO many more ... SO MANY. I actually have a list of the Christmas movies I'll be watching from 25th November as there are so many I realised I hadn't seen so I needed a full 30 days to watch them all! 

Christmas Jumpers

Yes, this is me and my family in an assortment of Christmas jumpers circa Christmas 2013 - yes, we are always this awesome. I adore Christmas jumpers and I have quite a collection now - as mentioned in a previous post I think novelty jumpers are a brilliant idea and who wouldn't want to wear a jumper like a santa suit? Nobody, that's who wouldn't want to do that. Although my mums gingerbread one is my favourite, he has a little bell on his santa hat that jingles when you walk and I think it's so cute! 

Christmas Stockings

Stockings have been my favourite thing about Christmas for a VERY long time .. mostly because my mum is the most amazing stocking filler in the whole damn world and seriously surpasses herself each year but I just think there's something so cute about them and how exciting it is feeling to the bottom and seeing what's inside .. I love them and for the past couple of years I've been doing stockings for my mum (since I'm 22 figured should probably start returning the favour) and it's as much fun to watch someone else opening something I've spent so long on! 

Ice Skating

I'm not the most coordinated person around and I like to have control of my feet usually so I tend not to like the actual act of ice skating, but this is the rink that opens in November of each year in my city and it is just GORGEOUS ... I mean, it's the grounds of a freaking palace, who wouldn't want to ice skate there?! Anyway, if you don't want to ice skate I've found sitting with a really good book, my camera and a glass of mulled cider is just as nice (and involves less broken bones, usually)

Let me know below what your favourite thing about Christmas is and make sure you look out for my review post that's coming tomorrow! 

For now,  here's a photo of me in novelty seasonal spectacles ... 


  1. You are so cute! It's still pretty warm here, but your post has me ready for Christmas!

    1. Ohh it's so cold here!!! Yay that you're excited for Christmas now!! x


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