
My Wanderlist |


Hello lovelies!

I think having a 'Wanderlist' is really important, it's good to know where you want to go and what you want to see. I've been compiling mine for years and I'm not going to lie, it's pretty extensive. I love the idea of travelling, just picking up and taking off and seeing wonderful, magical things. Until that day comes though, I'm happy to just have it all up in my head! Here a few of the places I want to see most in the world!

Berlin, Germany

I have been to a lot of places in Europe, most of the major cities that everyone raves about. Berlin is one I'm yet to check off my list and I have heard such amazing things about it that I can't wait to go myself!

If you've ever been to Berlin make sure you let me know below the best places to visit and things to do!

 Hawaii, USA

Everyone I know who's been to Hawaii has said it really is a paradise. I have a friend who is obsessed with Hawaii and I've told her I'll go with her this year. I can't wait to go and lay around on the beach and explore the green valleys and crystal clear waters. I really want to learn to surf - it's been on my bucket list for years and where better to learn than in Hawaii?! 

What would you want to do if you went to Hawaii? 


 Nashville, USA

I've wanted to go to Nashville since I spent days and days poring over Google Maps researching the city for a book I was writing. I love country music and really want to go and see it all in the flesh. There's the Grand Ole' Opry, Bluebird Cafe and so many other things I want to see there! I was in America last summer but didn't manage to make it to Tennessee, so next time it's up there as number 1 priority!

Plitvice Lakes, Croatia

When I first saw this I could not believe that it was somewhere in Europe. I imagined Brazil or Argentina or somewhere totally exotic and tropical. Nope, it's in Croatia and 2015 is the year I go to see them. It's a national park and the lakes and waterfalls span for miles. It is completely breathtaking and I can't wait to see them for real! 

Santorini, Greece

I've never been anywhere in Greece so there are a few places I'd love to visit there. Santorini is at the top of my list. It looks so cute and beautiful in every photo I've seen. I have a friend who went last year while she was travelling and she said out of everywhere she went Santorini was one of the most gorgeous places she'd ever seen!

Share Santorini stories below!

 Sydney, Australia

Sydney seems to be somewhere everyone on my Facebook feed is loving right now. Australia is a great working holiday location and I have a ton of friends there at the moment. I think Australia is such a world away that it has to be somewhere I go and I really want to see Sydney Opera House and the Great Barrier Reef - both are on my bucket list! 

Tokyo, Japan

When I was younger we had some Japanese students come and stay with us from Tokyo. They told me all about their city and showed me photos and ever since I've really wanted to go! They have a Disneyland Tokyo there which is supposed to be out of this world cool! Japanese culture is so amazing that I just know it has to be somewhere I experience for myself! And I would love to visit the girls that came to stay with us!

Venice Beach, USA

Venice Beach is somewhere I've seen in movies and TV shows for years. People are always roller blading and biking and there are cool circus street performers there all the time and it just seems like SUCH an amazing place. I'm hoping to visit my friend in Oakland, CA this year so I'm going to make her roadtrip me down to Venice Beach while I'm there! I've never been to anywhere in California but this is definitely somewhere I want to see! 

Let me know if you've ever been! 

Pig Beach, Bahamas

I saw Pig Beach on a TV programme about natures weird events and I couldn't believe it was a real place! It's an uninhabited Bahamian island that is totally ruled by pigs! You can do boat trips out to the island and the pigs swim out to the boat to get food! You can swim with them and it really looks like the most magical thing ever! I must go!

Thanks for reading my Wanderlist, let me know some of your 'Must See' places and if you've been to any of the places I've mentioned in this post let me know what they're like and what the best thing you did there was!


  1. Very interesting to see what places other people want to visit. I like to travel as well but I don't have a lot of opportunities which is sad. But my must-to-visit places are: Australia, Italy, Amsterdam, Dublin, Berlin, Prague. Hopefully one day I can check them out from the list :)

    1. Those are such good places to have on your list! I've been to Amsterdam and Italy - they're both really worth checking out if you ever can! x


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