
The Flour Pot Bakery | Brighton


I love finding new coffee places in Brighton and on a particularly rainy Saturday where everywhere was full to the brim me and my friend were lucky enough to stumble upon the Flour Pot Bakery with a free seat in the window ... needless to say we didn't move for the whole afternoon!

Flour Pot have the most amazing selection of food and freshly baked bread - it was a long arduous process deciding on what to have but in the end we went for a prosciutto and sun dried tomato flatbread and gluten free chocolate cake with hot chocolate and an earl grey tea. It was completely delightful, but there was so much choice in there we could have picked anything and been happy with it!

This was just half their selection of cakes! - vanilla and pomegranate cheesecake, almond and pear pastries, pain au chocolat, chocolate cake, carrot cake and freshly baked scones which are just out of site! The little shop is situated in the heart of the lanes and even on the dreariest of days it was bright and warm and friendly inside. 

Flour Pot have only been in Sydney Street for about 8 months but already they've become increasingly popular with people from all over the city and have another shop opening in Elm Grove later on this year. The manager of the Sydney Street is Eddy and he made our visit there 10000 times better than it was already - he's chatty and friendly and clearly loves his job and where he works and it really comes through in his attitude and personality, I'd go back to Flour Pot just for Eddy! 

This shows their extensive range of freshly baked bread that can be bought in store, they were flying off the shelves the whole time we were in there and they also sell an amazing range of sandwiches which are freshly made each day in their bakery which runs 7 days a week. 

Flour Pot can be found at 40 Sydney Street Brighton and is open until from 9am - 7pm Mon-Sat and 10am-5pm Sundays. They can also be found on Twitter, Facebook and here at their website

I can't wait to go back! 


  1. Ah I wish I lived closer so I could give this a little visit, if not just to meed Eddy! xx

  2. omg just the pictures and your description makes me want to eat my laptop screen! I neeeed to go!

    1. I would definitely recommend a trip! It is so nice there!


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