
Being Published For The First Time!


So, as long as I can remember I have been waiting for the amazing day that someone finally says "yes" ... this happened not so long ago!

I saw on HelloGiggles that they were looking for new contributors to write new content for their website, I had submitted in the past and been unsuccessful but decided that I should try again! I had a fairly good idea for a peice and decided to go with that. I wrote it out, checked it out, edited a couple of bits and then sent it off. 

When you email them you get an instant response saying that a real human will reply in up to 10 days, so I didn't really expect to hear anything and shut off my computer to go about my day. 
Less than an hour later I had a reply come through on my phone that they wanted to publish the peice I'd submitted in their 'From Our Readers' section - this is basically where all the miscellaneous articles go from people who don't write for them regularly. Obviously, I was BEYOND excited about this! 

However, this was not all. Also in the email they asked me to become a regular, paid contributor to HelloGiggles and submit at least one peice of writing a week. This is such a huge deal for me, I have been writing for my entire life and never have I been lucky enough for someone to want to publish my work, let alone pay me for it! 
So all in all this has been a pretty big milestone and I'm super excited to get writing for them! You can find my debut peice of published HelloGiggles goodness HERE and if you like it, please share it, it would be mean the world!! 


  1. Congrats hun this is amazing!!
    Alice xo

  2. Congratulations! This is a fantastic opportunity :) Rebecca | xx

  3. well done, thats amazing :) x

  4. That's so exciting! That's my dream as well, and I'm so happy you've got there! I hope to finally get that 'yes' moment when something I've written is published too. So happy for you xx

    1. It is an amazing feeling - just look at as many places as you can! x

  5. Wow, well done, this is an amazing opportunity!

    I didn't even realise they took submissions from readers! Maybe one day I'll be as lucky as you, it's my dream to get my work published! I have a few features written up, but it's finding the right publications that will want to take them on.

    You've inspired me to start that search!


    Nicole Lauren ♥

    1. Thanks Lauren that's so sweet! I definitely still have a long way to go to be where I want to be with my writing, but it's a step in the right direction! xx

  6. Hi lovely, I've nominated you for the Liebster Awards, please go to for your questions! :)


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