
25 Random Facts |


Hi guys!!
So, I've seen a bunch of bloggers doing this on their blogs and I loved the idea so I decided to do my own! I think it's nice a have a bit of personal element to a blog, rather than it all being product reviews and favourite clothing items. All of that is obviously great fun but I think that having little bits and peices on a blog to make it particular to the blogger writing it is important too !

So, here goes :
1. I can't drive. I wish I could, but I can't. I had a string of strange driving experiences and even stranger instructors when I was 17/18 and then I just gave up on the whole thing. My bad.
2. I have been training in Aerial Circus Arts for a year and I do static trapeze and silks.
3. Autumn is my favourite season.
4. I grew up in the south of England.
5. I was born in the 90's and still think 90's music is some of the best around!
6. I visited America for the firs time this summer to teach aerial circus to kids.
7. I have 2 dogs and 3 cats.
8. I hope to one day be a screenwriter for television - at the moment I am writing my first pilot TV series.
9. My favourite style of music is American Country.
10. My favourite types of food are Thai and Italian.
11. I danced a lot as a child and now really wish I hadn't quit because I think it is such a great thing to do and be good at.
12. I love cupcakes - Angel Food Bakery cupcakes in particular.
13. If I could visit one country in the world it would be Vietnam.

14. I studied Graphics, Photography, English Language and History at A Level.
15. I don't have a degree and never even applied for University.

16. I have worked at the same company since I was 15 years old.
17. I love novelty knitwear for Halloween and Christmas.

18. I recently cut ALOT of my hair off, I have always had very long hair so this is a big change!
19. My first ever YouTube video was a book review of 'Eeny Meeny' - it is super cringe and rambly.
20. I watch A LOT of TV and actually prefer it to movies - some of my favourite shows are Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Vampire Diaries, Homeland, Hart of Dixie, Glee, Witches of East End, Originals, Hawaii Five-O, Modern Family, The Fosters, Carrie Diaries, Walking Dead... the list just doesn't stop!
21. I only have 2 peircings - my ears and my nose.
22. I live next door to my grandparents.
23. If I could speak one other language I would want it to be Russian.
24.  I am incredibly shy.
25. My middle name is Alice.
So, there you go, some useless but hopefully fun facts! Post a comment below with a fun fact about you!


  1. My middle name's Alice too!!! Cool that you're writing a pilot series! I did lots of screenwriting for my degree and loved it xox
    Cute post!

    1. Screenwriting is my absolute love!! I hope to get it on TV one day! Thank you xxx


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